Corporate Team Building Events
Sure, paintball is a good time, but where is the application? How is your corporate event benefiting YOUR
long term?
Equine assisted learning is a unique experience outside of the office, that will show results in the board room. Herds to horses are like teams to people - we all work together. Our unique skills development program allows for the development of trust, interpersonal communication, collaboration, and more. Truly not 'just another' team building activity - get authentic results! Afraid of horses? No worries - to retain new learning, one must get out of their comfort zone!
Corporate Team Building Events are offered in full-day events. Full-day events offer 2-3 experiential learning programs to maximize the success of your team (plus a custom lunch). Customize an event for you and your team - we can help you hit the objectives that YOUR team needs for success!
Why Choose Experiential Learning for Your Team's Training?
Experiential training ensures that the skills development is both fun and memorable. Experiential learning is "learning by doing" - and is the oldest form of learning. Your team will have the opportunity to work hands-on in an environment where all learning styles and senses are stimulated, to allow for the transfer of learning. The learning experience does not end with the session, as the facilitators parallel these lessons back to the office (and every day life).
What your team learns is important - but what they remember is priceless. By creating memories that last, our unique program allows for your team to fully engage themselves in their own learning, and be able to retain the lessons learned from their horses. Experiential learning allows participants to learn their way, and as a team, at the same time.
It's a win win!
Herds to Horses are Like Teams to Humans
Herds to horses are like teams to humans. Just as in human teams, horse herds have leaders. Horses seek leadership - and if they do not receive strong leadership, they will take the leader role. However, leadership is not by dominance, and that has been studied in both human and herd life. Working as a team for horses is essential for their survival. As prey animals, horses are always aware of their surroundings and are quick to react to the stimuli around them - including the stimulus we bring into their environment through our state of mind and our intentions (they can even hear our heartbeat!). In a horse's world, teamwork is expected and it is respected. Every team member has a job to do for the common goal of the team.
So many team events these days are competitive. When we are developing skills such as teamwork, we want our teams to be collaborative, not competitive. We all have a common goal in a team, whether that be a project, a quota, or in the horse's terms, the continued safety of the herd. Collaborating to work towards this common goal is the most certain way for success. Our unique horse/human interaction experience is effective in team and leadership development - and working with a horse is a powerful metaphor for the corporate environment. ​
Knowledge, Experience, and Skills​
There are three main attributes that contribute to a successful team member: knowledge, experience, and skills. Knowledge is learned. Experience is gained over time. However, skills are the foundation of being able to utilize the knowledge learned and the experience gained. Our skills development program is designed to facilitate positive team problem solving. Skills, at their most basic form, are interpersonal communication skills - something that is often lacking in the corporate environment. Even if you have a team who has worked together for a long time, until the horse tells you so, skills can always be built upon to enhance team work, motivation, and morale.
"Other companies do team building that is competitive and I think the activities that are collaborative are so much better for bringing people together and strengthening a team."
- HR Executive (Oil and Gas Sector)
NO riding and NO horse experience necessary. We work at eye level with our horse teacher - so on the ground work only. Closed-toed shoes required for safety purposes.
Development Workshop
Leadership is the key component to effective team development - how effective are YOUR leaders?
Investing in Your Leaders for Profit Gain and Team Development
Why invest in leadership development for your organization? Studies have shown that most leaders have been put in the position because they excel at the work they do. However, many have not been trained on how to lead a team effectively. Our unique experiential program gets your leaders out of the boardroom and into a learning environment that is stimulating and fun - this ultimately leads to unforgettable learning and irrefutable results that will be applicable in the office. The more senses that are engaged and stimulated, the greater the chance of retaining what was learned. Allow your employees to develop the skills and training they need to grow for the team and for themselves - even if your team has been working together for years! Fine-tune your leaders to increase productivity and to take your organization to another level.
Corporate Leadership Development Workshops are offered as a full-day event, which offers two 2-3 experiential learning programs to maximize the success of your team (plus a custom lunch). Customize an event for you and your team - we can help you hit the objectives that YOUR team needs for success!
Leadership with Horses
Herds to horses are like teams to people. Just as in human teams, horse herds require a leader. Horses must work as a team for continued safety of the herd - as prey animals, safety is their top priority. Horses seek leadership - and if strong leadership is not given, they will take the leader role. Leadership is extremely important in a horse's world. However, leadership is not by force or dominance - this has been researched in both human and herd life. A true, effective leader, is a person who encourages each team member to do their job to the best of their capabilities, to reach the common team goal. Without clear intention, proper communication, and focus, the horse will not trust their leader. Horses require a leader who they respect and trust - something we would all like in the corporate environment.
The skills that are developed during the program are paralleled back to the workplace to ensure that retention is obtained and the skills are utilized, even after they have left the arena. Working as a team to complete activities, your leaders get a sense of what skills they may be under developed or lacking. On their most basic level, skills are interpersonal communication skills. Our program facilitates positive team work and leadership. Horses respond to fair, focused, and confident leaders - who are looking to effectively lead a team to success. Our unique horse/human interaction experience is effective in team and leadership development - and working with a horse is a powerful metaphor for the corporate environment.
Applicable Skills (including but not limited to)
1. Participants build flexibility into their leadership style - this allows for improvement
in team performance and the success of reaching your team's goals.
2. Develop effective communication skills to lead and manage diverse teams.
3. Develop skills that build team engagement and morale - leading to an improvement in team productivity.
4. Participants will develop their understanding of interpersonal behavioural dynamics and the role it plays in effective leadership.